Monday, July 22, 2013

Twitter! And 50 followers!

Hey everyone! I have decided to slowly implement more social media into my blog so I decided that Twitter would be next. This is a little embarrassing but this is my first time ever using Twitter so tweets and #hashtags are still a little foreign to me. Any advice is much appreciated!

You can follow me here to receive more updates and my rambles throughout the day :)

Also, I reached 50 followers on Bloglovin! Wow I didn't think that would happen so quickly! To celebrate I will be hosting another giveaway soon. Interested in co-hosting? Please let me know!


  1. Congrats, I am on twitter but I still need to use it better so can't give you any advice. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Don't worry, everyone has to start somewhere! Welcome to twitter!
    && congrats on your bloglovin' followers (:

  3. When did you start blogging??? I just joined BlogLovin this week.. BTW I love your Blog & Congrats on all of your followers

    Check me out:


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I will try my best to respond and check out your links; I am also working out a comment bug atm, so please be patient :)

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About Me
(Find me on Lookbook)
Hi! My name is Kayla and I'm a blogger from the great green-rainy city of Vancouver. I write about my fashion-related obsessions and local small businesses. Have a look around and don't hesitate to contact me at stylevancity[at]

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